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Student Equity Guidelines

Eligible Expenditures and Activities

  1. Outreach to potential student groups and communities identified in the equity plan, including targeted publications and outreach materials.
  2. Student services and student services categorical programs that directly support improved outcomes on success indicators for target populations prioritized in the Student Equity Plan.
  3. Research and evaluation related to improving student equity.
  4. Hiring a student equity program coordinator and staff directly supporting and implementing student equity activities.
  5. Supporting student equity planning processes.
  6. Professional development, including funding of consultants to educate faculty and staff on the effects of inequities; methods for detecting and researching inequities and their effects on college programs and local communities; improving the use of data, and effective practices and methods for addressing and improving outcomes for under-served students.
  7. Adapting academic or career related programs and courses to improve student equity outcomes.
  8. Providing embedded tutoring, counseling support for learning communities, and other instructional support services that do not generate FTES.
  9. In-State travel in support of student equity.
  10. Other Direct Student Support including books, miscellaneous supplies and materials for students, student transportation, and child care.
California Community Colleges Student Equity Funding Guidelines Page 3

Ineligible Expenditures and Activities

  1. Construction -- Student equity funds may not be used for construction work, remodeling, or renovation.
  2. Gifts -- Public funds, including student equity funds, may not be used for gifts or monetary awards of any kind.
  3. Stipends for Students -- Funds cannot be used to pay stipends to students for participation in student equity activities.
  4. Computers, Office Supplies and Furniture – Purchasing computers, office supplies or furniture (desks, chairs, bookcases, etc.) is not allowed.
  5. Other Administrative, Faculty or Staff Salaries and Benefits -- Program funds cannot be used to pay for any staff or administrative overhead costs that do not directly support student equity described in the college’s approved plan, such as budget office staff, business office staff, etc.
  6. Political or Professional Dues, Memberships, or Contributions -- Funds cannot be used for these fees or expenses.
  7. Rental of Off‐Campus Space -- Use of funds to pay for off‐campus space is not allowed.
  8. Legal and Audit Expenses -- Program funds may not be used to pay for legal or audit expenses.
  9. Indirect Costs -- Program funds may not be used to pay for indirect costs, such as heat, electricity, or janitorial services.
  10. Unrelated Travel Costs -- Program funds may not be used for the cost of travel not directly related to student equity activities or functions.
  11. Vehicles -- Program funds may not be used to purchase or lease vehicles.
  12. Clothing -- Program funds may not be used to purchase clothing such as jackets, sweatshirts, or tee shirts (with the exception of required uniforms for students).
  13. Courses -- Program funds may not be used to deliver courses that generate FTES.
  14. Unrelated Research -- Institutional research that is not directly related to evaluating or improving student equity outcomes.
  15. Supplanting -- Student Equity funding may not be used to supplant general or state categorical (restricted) district funds currently expended on Student Equity activities. Any direct student support provided should supplement, not supplant any services provided to students currently participating in college categorical programs and any other federal, state, and county programs.
Last Updated: 10/08/2015
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District