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Pages within Entrepreneurship—Small Business Management


Mary Sessom, Esq and Patricia Newman Program Co-Chairs*
Phone: (619) 660-4362 & (619) 660-4554


Entrepreneurship—Small Business Management

Entrepreneurs are visionaries who see an opportunity in putting their skills to work running their own business. Intrapreneurs are employees who do for innovation in a large company what an entrepreneur does for his or her start-up. According to U.S. Census Bureau data, small businesses contribute some 6.5 million jobs in California, or roughly half of all private-sector jobs, as more people are finding they’d rather work for themselves than for others. Because small business owners and entrepreneurs drive our economy, Cuyamaca College’s Entrepreneurship program is here to help you build the skills needed to start and grow your business. This program provides you with a working knowledge of small business operations to both the prospective business person as well as the manager of an existing business. Our program will help you learn how to identify your strengths as an entrepreneur and how to build an effective leadership team. It will help you understand what it takes to start a new venture. It will help you establish connections in the entrepreneurship community. And it will help you hone your entrepreneurship skills and thinking.


Program Learning Outcomes

Students who complete the Entrepreneurship—Small Business Management program at Cuyamaca College will, among other things, be able to:

  • Recognize and appropriately respond to ethical and legal concerns relating to human resource and organizational management.
  • Identify and analyze business problems or entrepreneurial opportunities and effectively communicate recommendations for courses of action.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the requirements to start a new venture, including the basics of leadership, team building, finance, marketing and management.
Last Updated: 05/15/2019


Mary Sessom, Esq and Patricia Newman Program Co-Chairs*
Phone: (619) 660-4362 & (619) 660-4554

  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District