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Article I

Club Name

  1. Club ABLED

Article II


  1. Involve and promote students of all genders, walks of life, able bodied and disabled, in campus life and activities, student unity, and self advocacy. Create bridges and interaction between the able bodied and disabled while extinguishing stereotypes and misconceptions. Provide factual information and support on disability issues to the student body

Article III


Section I.

  1. All members must be currently enrolled at either Grossmont or Cuyamaca
    College and hold an active ASCC card (Associated Students of Cuyamaca College)

Section II.

  1. Membership is open to the entire student body at Grossmont or Cuyamaca College, not just DSPS students. Membership will not be based on race, color, religion, age, sex, disability, or national origin

Section III.

  1. Membership shall be granted to any student according to requirements as stated in Article III, Section 1 and having submitted a membership application. Application for membership shall be available at club meetings, on the club website or by request from any club officer.

Article IV

Section I.

List of Officers to be elected:

  1. President
  2. Vice-president
  3. Secretary
  4. Treasurer
  5. Public Relations
  6. Fund raiser
  7. Webmaster

Section II.

Election of Officers

  1. Members in good standing, having fulfilled Article III, Section 1, 2, and 3, may vote for the election of officers
  2. Candidates for club officers may be nominated through self-nomination or by another member.
  3. Election of officers shall commence during a regular club meeting. If a member is unable to attend a club meeting during elections, they may make arrangements to vote prior to elections via email. Emails to be sent to faculty advisor
  4. The vice president and faculty supervisor shall regulate and monitor the election of officers, supervise the count of votes, and verify the eligibility of the candidates and the members voting in the election.
  5. Officers shall be elected by receiving the most votes among the candidates for each office and be in good standing with the club and Grossmont or Cuyamaca College.
  6. Elections shall take place in September/October (Fall semester) of each academic year

Section III

Eligibility of Officers

  1. All executive officers must be enrolled in at least one course (vs. a minimum of 6 units as required by ASCC) as per club member vote for this change (02/01/06) due to the specific and variable accommodation needs for disability related issues.
  2. Only club members in good standing may be eligible and elected to become officers.

Section IV

Duties of Officer

  1. President: organize and preside at meetings, monitor club functions, including the club website
  2. Vice-president: assist the President with meetings, run meetings the absence of the president, supervise and regulate the election of officers
  3. Secretary: take minutes of the meetings, maintain necessary records, and make necessary reports to ASCC
  4. Treasurer: keep financial records and prepare monthly statements for club meetings, make required financial reports to ASCC
  5. Public Relations: arrange for activities and speakers, promote club, assist in obtaining new membership, and
  6. Fund raiser: Plan and coordinate fund raising activities
  7. Webmaster: maintains and updates club website

Section V

Vacancy of Office:

  1. In the event of a vacancy in President, the vice president shall hold an emergency election and have the members elect a qualified club member, as per Article III section 1, 2, and 3, to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term.
  2. In the event of a vacancy in any office other than President, the members shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term.
  3. Vacancy shall occur when an officer becomes unable to perform the duties of the office, officially resigns, or is unable to obtain a vote of confidence by a majority of the voting membership, or term limits have been met as per article IV section VI.

Section VI.

Tenure of Office

  1. A student can remain an Executive Board member (officer) for up to 2 consecutive years (4 semesters) in the same position or any combination of other positions.

Article V

Financial Provisions:

Section I.

Determination of Dues: 1. There will be no dues.

Section II

Changing of Dues

  1. If changes are to be made, it will take a 2/3 majority of votes by all members

Section III.

Approval of expenditures

  1. It is recommended that all expenditures made on behalf of the club be approved and endorsed by the faculty advisor beforehand
  2. failure to secure approval of expenditures by the faculty advisor may result in the amount not being reimbursed
  3. The treasurer and the advisor will keep the records.

Section IV

Audit and financial Records

  1. Treasurer shall present a summary of financial records to the Club upon request of faculty advisor, President, change in status of funds, or upon request from any member of the club
  2. Treasurer shall submit required records to the ASCC in a timely fashion
  3. Secretary shall submit required records to the ASCC in a timely fashion

Article VI

Section I

Selection of Advisor

  1. Club ABLED will have a full time faculty advisor from Cuyamaca College

Section II

Duties of Advisors

  1. Advisors shall attend meetings and events. If unable to attend, the advisor shall have a suitable replacement
  2. Advisors should assist/supervise officers in the planning of meetings and events
  3. Advisors should assist the president with monitoring activities and meetings
  4. Advisors should council officers so that practices and procedures are in accordance with the rules set forth by the club and by the ASCC

Article VII.

Section I

Regular and/or Special Meetings

  1. Meetings will be held regularly at a time and place to be determined at the beginning of each semester by the club members and advisor (College faculty member)
  2. Special meetings are to be arranged and scheduled by the public relations or fund raising officer
  3. Regular meetings and special meetings may be combined. Proceedings shall be separated out.

Section II

Executive Meetings

  1. Executive meetings may be called by the president or faculty advisor
  2. Executive meetings of elected officials and faculty advisor may be held for the purpose of planning, discussing vacant officer positions, or matters deem necessary for the betterment and welfare of the club
  3. Executive meetings shall be open to all members, but members shall not have the right to participate in discussion and/or vote

Article VIII.


Activities will be determined by the Executive Board and Members

  1. Activities of the club shall include but not be limited to regular club meetings, special meetings, executive meetings, and events

Article IX


  1. Amendments of the constitution shall conform to the requirements of the ASCC
  2. Amendments shall be done at regular club meetings
  3. The constitution may be amended by a two thirds vote of the Executive Board or a two thirds vote of the core group membership providing a quorum of at least 50% of active members are present
  4. All amendments must be subject to the approval of the Executive Board of the Cuyamaca College
Last Updated: 05/30/2015
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District