
Search and Recovery

The Search and Recovery (SAR) team will be retrieving the capsule and parachute once they return to Earth. This is a difficult task, which will involve teamwork and coordination. There is much ground to cover in the desert; however, it the SAR team's job to overcome odds and many obstacles to find the Near Space Balloon's payload.

The SAR team will be consist of several smaller contingents. There will be Mobile Mission Control and several search parties, which will be hiking various terrains and combing the deserts of Southern California to recover the capsule and parachute.

Tasking People Team Members
Mission Control 1 Philip Erberich
Primary Scouts 2 Jacob Marlay
Joe Marlay
Search Team 1 3 Professor Lehman
Olivia Miller
J.P. Montello
Search Team 2 4 Brendon Mendenhall
Kevin Pratt
Josh Pritts
Karla Viramontes
Search Team 3 3 Diego Wright
Sean Riley
Scott Riley
Search Team 4 2 Ralph Alvarado
Boris McDaniel
Last Updated: 09/19/2014
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District