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Educational Objectives

In order to maximize the opportunity for the development of individuals' personal, social and intellectual qualities, the college provides:

A. An Instructional program composed of:

  • Transfer courses equivalent to the lower division curriculum of universities and colleges for students who plan to continue their education at a baccalaureate institution.

  • Vocational and career education courses to provide technical skills and knowledge for beginning employment, retraining and advancement, respond to local business and industry economic development and workforce training directions.

  • General education courses to broaden knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, to develop analytical ability and critical thinking, and to foster interest in life-long learning in the educational, scientific, and cultural fields essential for effective participation in a complex society.

  • Developmental courses to assist inadequately prepared students to succeed in college course work.

B. A student development and services program composed of:

  • Academic, vocational and personal support services to provide students with sufficient opportunity to achieve educational success.

  • Co-curricular activities to provide opportunities for personal development and social responsibility.

C. A learning resources support service composed of:

  • Library collection: A well-rounded collection of print and electronic materials selected to support instructional programs across the curriculum.

  • Information competency: Library instruction designed to teach students how to locate, evaluate and utilize information resources. Preparing students for lifelong learning is the ultimate goal.

  • Research guidance: One-on-one instruction to assist students with their course-related and individual research needs.

D. A community education program composed of:

  • Continuing education non-credit courses which are eligible for state support and are designed to provide education and training in areas of local needs.

  • Community services courses, workshops, seminars, forums and institutes to provide for the special educational, cultural, a vocational and recreational needs of the community.

E. An economic development program composed of:

  • Education and training that contributes to continuous workforce improvement of regional business and industry.

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Last Updated: 12/08/2014
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District