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Workflow Plan

Standards Teams

  1. Leaders recruit team members and secure institutional governance groups' approval.
  2. Leaders convene fully populated teams.
  3. Teams analyze work to be accomplished, using standards questions in the Guide to Evaluating Institutions 2004 ACCJC/WASC, as well as assigned recommendations made by the visiting committee during the previous accreditation report.
  4. Teams designate which members will gather information to respond to questions.
  5. Team members use institutional records and other documents to generate information for written reports responding to standards questions.
  6. Team co-chairs collect evidence to document findings for written reports and file in Bankers Box files in the Accreditation 2007 Research Room.
  7. Team members distribute their reports to team members at Standards Team meetings.
  8. Standards Teams determine whether members' reports respond adequately to standards questions. If more information is needed, they request added information; if not, they accept them for integration in their general report.
  9. Standards Teams develop written reports on their responses to all questions pertaining to their standards for submission to the Steering Committee.

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Steering Committee

  1. Designated leaders convene the Steering Committee according to a planned schedule.
  2. The Steering Committee adopts a timeline for reports from the Standards Teams.
  3. Steering Committee leaders review the recommendations from the last accreditation visit and assign them to Standards Teams for them to include in their reports.
  4. The Steering Committee receives reports from Standards Teams as scheduled.
  5. The Steering Committee evaluates each report and determines whether or not more information is needed. If more information is needed in a given report, the Standards Team is asked to supply it. If the Steering Committee is satisfied with the report, the report is considered ready for integration into the general Self Study document.
  6. The Steering Committee leaders compile the reports for the draft Self Study, editing the information to ensure that the document addresses all issues required by the ACCJC/WASC.
  7. The Steering Committee will ensure that the plans of action included in the Self Study are specifically stated work plans, which the institution has committed to implement following the accrediting team visit.
  8. The final version will be sent by the Steering Committee to designated institutional authorities for their review and approval prior to transmittal to the ACCJC/WASC.

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Job Description for Administrative and
Faculty Co-Chair Editors

The Faculty and Administrative Co-Chairs charged with editing the Cuyamaca College self study for 2007 (Editors), will assist the Standards Teams in the following ways:

  1. provide writing guidance to co-chairs as they develop drafts of summaries of research findings/analyses/plans to be sent to the Steering Committee for initial review
  2. review documents to be sent to the Steering Committee to ensure compliance with format and style guide

The Editors will assist the Steering Committee in the following ways:

  1. communicate Steering Committee feedback on standards reports submitted by standards teams, to standards teams, for any remediation needed
  2. develop an integrated self-study document from the standard team reports that have been accepted as complete by the Steering Committee
  3. present the Steering Committee with the draft self-study for circulation, review, evaluation, and development of recommendations for changes
  4. prepare final draft of the self study in conformity with Steering Committee guidance and deliver it to the accreditation liaison officer (ALO) for her to circulate to institutional authorities for their review and approval.

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Last Updated: 02/08/2016
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District