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Institutional Effectiveness, Success, and Equity
Home » Institutional Effectiveness, Success, & Equity » About Us » Equity: Evaluation - Before, During, and After for Continuous Quality Improvement

Equity: Evaluation - Before, During, and After for Continuous Quality Improvement

College equity efforts will be implemented and assessed at various levels, including institutional, program, and practitioner level. At the institutional level, equity efforts will be assessed by disaggregated key performance indicator data, with the Student Success and Equity Committee serving as the primary group facilitating this analysis and making broad recommendations to the College on ways in which equity gaps may be eliminated at the institutional level. At the program or service area level, through the College’s established program review process, each department will analyze their equity data, identify equity gaps, set goals and describe action steps to eliminate equity gaps, and re-assess their equity data after implementing those action steps. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Success and Equity will support and offer professional development for programs and service areas in analyzing, interpreting, and using equity data for program and service area improvement and equitable student achievement. At the practitioner level, individual practitioners will have the opportunity, on a voluntary basis, to examine their own course outcomes through an equity lens. Department chairs, coordinators, and other campus leaders may support this work through coordinated efforts and with data collected in collaboration with the Institutional Effectiveness, Success, and Equity Office. It should be noted that at each of the above levels, equity assessment may include quantitative and/or qualitative data.  This evaluation will provide invaluable data in the ongoing process of assessing and increasing our successes in achieving student equity and understanding the institutional barriers to the success of specific student populations.

Last Updated: 12/13/2017
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District