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WEX 110 - General Cooperative Work Experience

Welcome to General Work Experience at Cuyamaca College. I'm an advocate and strong supporter of work-based-learning. Work Experience is one of the most important things you can do while in college. I encourage all students to seek out internships, volunteer opportunities and work. We will learn employability skills and put together career portfolios. I will meet your employers, supervisors and help you to be successful on the job. 

Cindy Morrin
Associate Professor, Counseling

Office Location: Room A-212 (Counseling Center)
Direct Phone: 619-660-4438
(If I don't respond to you within 24 hours, email me again.)

Download Course Syllabus

Accessing your Canvas Account

  • Go to (bookmark this site by adding it to your favorites)
  • Your Canvas ID is your Webadvisor ID. This may be your first name and last name in lowercase with no spaces and a dot in the middle (For example, Joe Smith may have a Webadvisor ID of joes.smith).
  • Your password is your birth date in 8 digits (For example, if Joe Smith were born on January 1, 1986, his password would be 01011986).


  • Secure  part time employment or a volunteer position
  • 75 hours paid or 60 hours unpaid work experience per unit is required
  • Attend orientation 

Course Description

Supervised work experience to assist students in acquiring desirable work habits, attitudes and career awareness. Jobs may or may not be directly related to students’ educational goals. May be taken for a maximum of 6 units.

Course Content

  • Define needs of the job site and develop goals
  • Goals must be approved by the instructor and work supervisor
  • Student must maintain accurate records and timesheets
  • Attend a course orientation and course exit meeting (date, time to be announced)
  • Schedule two meetings with instructor during the semester to evaluate student’s goals
  • Participate in an evaluation process to be administered by the instructor and work supervisor

Course Objectives

  • Demonstrate employee responsibilities and meet employer
  • Understand and practice effective communication with employer through use of technology and verbal contact
  • Demonstrate ability to maintain accurate records and timesheets
  • Develop Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time based goals (SMART) related to job responsibilities
  • Complete an on-the-job learning experiences that contributes to specific occupational or educational goals
  • Understand how to use a goal/objective progress review session
  • Evaluate career objectives based on experience gained through work experience 

To assist student in attainment of course objectives employer will:

  • Completion of goals as determined by instructor, employer/supervisor and student
  • Evaluation of supervised work experience

Goals and Units

Students are required to complete one goal per unit of cooperative work experience. For example, if you are enrolled in 3 unites, you must establish and complete three goals with satisfactory employer evaluation.

Paid work experience requires 75 hours per unit throughout the semester.

  • 1 Unit = 75 hours
  • 2 Units = 150 hours
  • 3 Units = 225 hours

Volunteer or Unpaid work experience requires 60 hours per unit throughout the semester.

  • 1 Unit = 60 hours
  • 2 Units = 120 hours
  • 3 Units = 180 hours 

Course Content and Assignments

  1. Attend Orientation.
  2. Deliver letter to employer that explains the WEX program and expectations.
  3. Define needs of the job site and develop SMART goals. Review goals with your work supervisor prior to the first site visit. Note: These objectives are not finalized until the instructor and your work supervisor have approved their content at the first site visit. Submit objectives worksheet to instructor at first site visit.
  4. Submit on Canvas a mid-semester evaluation of your progress toward completion of your learning objectives and work performance. In your paper state each goal and write a short paragraph on your progress for each. 
  5. Complete a Resume and Cover Letter (Career Portfolio).
  6. Schedule two site visit meetings (see time frames in Course Schedule) with instructor and work supervisor and confirm with instructor by email one week prior to each appointment.
  7. Participate in an evaluation process to be administered by the instructor and work supervisor.
  8. Submit signed timesheet and supervisor evaluation form prior deadline.
  9. Complete a Career Portfolio as a final activity. Submit via Blackboard.

Grading and Points
All grades and assignments are on Blackboard. Click "My Grades" to view your total points. Below is a list of all assignments and points.

  • Orientation = 10 points (Sign Community Service Learning/Work Experience Agreements between Instructor, Student, and Employer)
  • Learning Objectives = 10 points (Objectives reviewed with supervisor prior to first site visit. Objectives worksheet is completed and turned in at first site visit)
  • Site Visit = 15 points (5 points per visit. Student coordinates and schedules appointment with site supervisor and instructor)
  • Career Portfolio = 40 points (Includes career assessments, resume and cover letter)
  • Evaluation of Student Performance by Employer = 25 points (Signatures of student and employer)
  • Time Sheet = 50 points (Work Experience Student Time Sheet of all hours completed and signed by supervisor)
  • Total Points Possible = 150 Points

150-135 = A (Pass)
134-120 = B (Pass)
119-105 = C (Pass)
104 - below = No Pass

Extra Credit
Extra credit items include creating an educational plan, practice interviewing, applying for a scholarship (scholarship essay), attend career and college workshops, attend a career fair or career events. Ask your instructor for details.

Academic Accommodations

Students with disabilities who may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to notify the instructor and contact Disabled Student Services & Programs (DSPS) early in the semester so that reasonable accommodations may be implemented as soon as possible. DSPS&S website is

Academic Calendar

The academic calendar lists class start and end dates, deadlines, holidays, finals and more. It is important you are know the dates and deadlines on the academic calendar each semester.

Academic Calendar

Important Deadlines

Please note that short-term classes have different deadline dates than semester length classes in regards to adding, dropping, refunds and late withdrawals. It is the student's responsibility to make sure they follow deadlines for short-term classes.

Short-Term (this class) and Semester-Length Deadlines

Last Updated: 01/26/2020
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District