Formerly known as The Board of Governors (BOG) Fee Waiver program, the California College Promise Grant provides three ways to help you pay fees and it also makes you eligible for a reduced parking permit fee.
The program also has a special classification criteria which may qualify you to have only your enrollment fees waived if you don't qualify through the other three methods. The eligibility requirements for each program are listed below.
If your application has not been processed for the Promise Grant by the time of registration, fees will be charged a refund will be made available upon the approval of the fee waiver. Refunds are retroactive for the current semester only.
The deadline to apply and receive a Promise Grant is the last day of the current semester. The Promise Grant is awarded for up to twelve months: fall, spring and summer. Students need to reapply each fall.
NOTE: If you are eligible under Method A, you will be required to submit current documentation to the Financial Aid Office to prove you are receiving the benefits.
NOTE: We may require you to submit income documentation to us (ex. an IRS Tax Transcript) to verify the income you report on this on-line application.
Special Classification Fee Waivers (Fees waived: enrollment fee only):
Be an AB540 / California Dream Act student
Note: If you are eligible based on one of the above criteria, you will be required to provide documentation proving you meet the condition.
NEW academic eligibility criteria to keep your BOG for next year!
CLICK HERE NOW to find out what you need to do!
Flowchart for NEW academic eligibility criteria to keep your BOG.