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About Us

The Cuyamaca Association of Paralegal Students (CAPS) was founded by paralegal students to expand our paralegal our education even further, to “think outside the box.” Our vision is to take our education outside of the classroom and utilize it to the fullest within the community.

A career in Para legalism is so much more than book learning. A huge part of Para legalism is networking. It is building lasting relationships with your fellow students and learning from each others experiences as well as sharing helpful advice and encouraging each other. The Cuyamaca Association of Paralegal Students is a forum for networking. This organization encourages students to meet and work together towards a common goal.

The Cuyamaca Association of Paralegal Students also takes time to recognize academic excellence with the West Awards for Outstanding Scholastic Achievement, and by being a recognized chapter of Lambda Epsilon Chi. Lambda Epsilon Chi (LEX) allows students who perform at an outstanding level academically to be inducted into a nationally recognized Honor Society for Paralegals and Legal Assistants. This recognition not only shows that they excel in their studies but also entitles those students to scholarship opportunities that they would not otherwise be eligible for.

Other benefits provided by the Cuyamaca Association of Paralegal Students are meetings with guest speakers that are various members of the legal community, this includes attorneys that come and discuss how paralegals are used in their law firms. Some meetings involve students who have graduated from Cuyamaca College’s ABA approved paralegal program and they discuss how they have used their Paralegal Degree and how it has befitted them.

We are doing our utmost to work closely with local paralegal organizations such as the San Diego Paralegal Association as well as nationally recognized ones such as the National Association of Legal Assistants. One of our future goals is to have Cuyamaca College become a test site for the Certified Paralegal Examination (CPE).

We hope that you will join our organization and share its vision not only for yourself but for generations of paralegal students to come.

Last Updated: 05/21/2015
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District