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What is the Cuyamaca Association of Paralegal Students?

The Cuyamaca Association of Paralegal Students was created by a group of Paralegal Studies majors who wanted to contribute to their education as well as benefit from it. Collectively, they wished to assist in the development and growth of the program and to provide learning agendas beyond the classroom.

What is the Association's purpose?

The Association has adopted three missions of equal importance.

The first and foremost of these is the enhancement of the quality and extent of the professional training, legal education, and personal growth opportunities available to all students of Paralegal Studies program at Cuyamaca College.

The second is to contribute, in whatever manner called for, to the retention of the American Bar Association's approval and certification of the Paralegal Studies program at Cuyamaca College.

The third is the development of the Paralegal Studies program as an attraction to the growing numbers of quality students, making the program a contributor to expansion and growth to the mutual benefit of the program and the Cuyamaca College.

Why should you consider becoming a member?

Membership in the Association will afford you access to a number of benefits, most notably scholarships to attend “Bridging the Gap,” and book awards to defray the cost of your Paralegal textbooks. Beyond that, membership in the Association will bring you together with other members, providing opportunities for networking that will last well beyond your years a Cuyamaca college.

In addition, involving yourself with other students at various levels of the program will provide opportunities for the exchanging of knowledge relating to your coursework, for finding assistance when you are having difficulties with some aspect of your studies, and for developing personal friendships in the expanding industry of paralegalism.

How do you become a member of the Association?

Very easily! Please complete the membership form. Then write a small $10.00 check or money order made out to the Cuyamaca Association of Paralegal Students, and submit both to the Association via mail or through Mary Sessom. You will be added to the database, placed on the e-mail list, and become a voting Active Member of the Association.

The information you furnish is kept secure and confidential, and your $10.00 per year will help cover the costs of operations and programs.

We look forward to having you among our membership!

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Last Updated: 05/21/2015
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District