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Undocumented Student Resources

Undocumented & Dreamer Student Resources



Cuyamaca College is committed to equity by standing with and supporting all students who have an undocumented status. Our commitment is focused on providing these students access to all of our available resources, such as admissions and financial assistance, academic and personal counseling, tutoring, mentoring, and a supportive and safe learning environment to achieve their academic goals. 

Resources for Immigrant Students in Education: 

Cuyamaca Cares Emergency Funds: Current Cuyamaca Students are eligible to apply, regardless of citizenship status for a one time disbursement of emergency assistance per semester of attendance.

The CARES Act Emergency Assistance Fund is meant to assist students facing financial emergencies. Students can receive up to $500 for academic and financial needs.

Current students may apply for a one time disbursement for emergency assistance per semester of attendance.

*Summer applications are accepted from June 1 to July 31, 2020.
*Fall applications will be accepted from August 1-December 23, 2020.
**You must be enrolled in classes in the current term you are applying for.

You can find more information as well as the link for the application here:

RISE ProgramThe RISE Program at Cuyamaca College is designed to assist students who are AB540 or who participate in California DREAM Act or DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) programs. For more information about the RISE program, click here. 

RISE Student Organization: RISE is a student organization created by DREAMers for DREAMers and allies. Our mission is to unite, motivate, and support our DREAMer students and allies by offering emotional support, a community that students can relate with, and information about current and passed legislations that affect DREAMer students today. 

Higher Education Legal Services (HELS)The Higher Education Legal Services (HELS) initiative through Jewish Family Service (JFS) is a unique opportunity for students, staff, and faculty to access personalized Immigration Legal Services from highly qualified legal practitioners. JFS Immigration Attorneys and Department of Justice Representatives are available to provide culturally-competent, trauma-informed, and reliable expertise to the Cuyamaca College community. Click here to schedule a legal consultation. 

Financial Aid AssistanceAssigned financial aid advisor for assistance with California Dream Act application and follow up services. 

Referrals: Referrals to additional on and off campus resources.


Key Terms 

California DREAM Act: Allows undocumented students to apply for and receive private scholarships (AB 130) and state financial aid, university grants, and community college fee waiver (AB 131). Additional California DREAM ACT informationApply for the correct financial aid: Differences between the CA DREAM Act and FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). 

DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals): Established to protect immigrants from deportation who were brought to the United States as undocumented children. Current DREAMers (immigrants who qualify for the DREAM Act) are protected from deportation and receive a work permit. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is still accepting DACA renewal applications for anyone who has previously had DACA. The USCIS has stopped accepting first-time DACA applications. Steps to renew DACA. 

AB 540: Exempts students (including undocumented students) from out-of-state tuition fees. Makes students eligible to apply for the CA DREAM Act. Differences between in-state tuition (AB 540, AB 2000, AB 68) and the CA DREAM Act. 



Last Updated: 06/25/2020
Contact Information:
Leo Carrillo
RISE Coordinator
Resources for Immigrant Students In Education
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District