Teaching Online
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Self Portraits
  • To make the class more personal and similar to a face-to-face class, have students post pictures of themselves within Canvas. Since this does eliminate the inherent equality of online (race, gender, age, attractiveness are invisible), one could make this optional.
  • Have students post audio or video clip introductions (if they have the hardware and expertise)
Role Play
  • Assume the role of a famous person in your area (Freud, Lincoln, Einstein) and have students ask you questions in the  discussion.
  • Have students take on the role of people with opposing positions - then use a discussion thread for debates



  • These are animated, graphic, cartoon representations of the user (with mouth-animated narration)
  • Frequently used in computer gaming, avatars can also be used to represent instructor or student in online classes
Surveys, Polls
  • Create a Canvas Survey and discuss the results
Lectures in Discussion
  • Put your lectures or presentations within discussion threads (using attachments) and use that as the center of the course
Outlines and Mental Maps
  • Present outlines of the material with graphics
  • Give cognitive/concept maps with nodes and links
  • Use diagrams and flowcharts
Last Updated: 08/23/2019
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District