Teaching Online
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Outside In

The virtual classroom environment can be confining. It can be exciting and educational to expand beyond this and bring the outside world into your virtual classroom.


  • Call or email professionals, experts, those who work in your field, other instructors, or those who have had personal experiences with your course content.
  • Be sure to explain to your guest how online works (login instructions, time frame for the visit, how to use technology, what to expect).
  • For adding guest lecturers or others to your Canvas containers, fill out the form on the Canvas Forms page.
  • Consider using Zoom online conferencing for a rich experience. 


  • Have students interview someone related to course material (in person, by phone, by email).
  • Post their interview (or a recording or video) to a Canvas discussion.


  • Have students observe people or a situation that relates to course material

Field Trips

  • Have students visit a course-related location and report (prepare assignment instructions and questions)
  • Examples: a church for religious studies, court for law, planetarium for astronomy

Cross-Cultural Assignment

  • Explore other countries by Web search
  • Google has a language translator
  • You might even set up correspondence through similar online courses in other countries (perfect for history, languages, political science)
  • Google has a text translator


  • Have students view a movie (theater or rented) that relates to class material


  • Exchange material with other instructors here or across the world (search for schools)
  • Share video, animations, presentations


  • Simulate laboratory experiments using household items
  • See the sidebar in Choosing Materials


Last Updated: 08/23/2019
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District