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Information for Current International Students

Information for Current International Students

Counseling Center
Assessment & Testing
Health Services
College Library
College Bookstore
Textbook Refund
Campus Activities
Career & Placement Office
University Transfer Center
Intercollegiate Athletics

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campus services and resources

The Cuyamaca College Counseling Center is located in the One Stop Student Services Complex. Cuyamaca College is staffed with professional counselors, trained to provide educational, career, occupational, and personal counseling. Those responsible for the counseling function attempt to create a climate and a structure in which each student has a maximum opportunity for self-fulfillment.

The Counseling Center staff recognizes that students can develop personal initiative and responsibility for planning their futures only to the extent that minister aptitude, interest, and personality tests. They will assist students in exploring their goals, values, career aspirations, and lifestyles. A series of personal development classes are offered to assist with this exploration and to meet individual interests and needs. Academic counseling is available to help students achieve their educational goals. Greg Gomez, and all the counselors, are here to help make your educational experience a successful one!

The faculty, staff and administrators of Cuyamaca College are committed to students' success. A "success package" has been designed which includes a requirement that new, readmit and transfer-in students participate in an assessment process. Counselors review the results of the assessment process with students to help them select courses and develop an educational plan. The Assessment and Testing Office provides individual and group testing in English and Mathematics.

The College offers academic tutoring at no cost to enrolled Cuyamaca College students. Both day and evening tutoring is available in a variety of subjects at several locations on campus.

Tutorial Center - Individual and group tutoring is available in the Tutorial Center located on the first floor of the Library (LRC), room C-222. Any questions regarding tutoring can be answered by calling the Tutoring Center at: 660-4306.

Reading, Writing and ESL Center - Located in B-167, the Writing Center provides advice for students' individual academic writing needs and projects.

Science Technology Engineering & Math Center - Located in the "H" (H-101) building, the Math Lab is dedicated assisting all students who are enrolled in math, science and engineering classes.

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Services available to all registered students through the Health & Wellness Center include first aid and emergency care, vision, hearing and blood pressure screening, health education and guidance, referral to community resources and a health literature library.

All students pay a health fee each semester which covers accidents and injuries occurring on campus or during school-related activities. All accidents and injuries should be reported promptly to the Health & Wellness Center.

In addition, a low-cost student accident plan may be purchased by registered students for 24-hour insurance coverage. Forms and information are available in the Health & Wellness Center, Room I-134. REMEMBER: All international students should have this additional policy or a similar one to meet immigration policy for proof of coverage while in the United States.

Cuyamaca's library provides a comprehensive range of materials and services to support the instructional program. In addition to the traditional print library, services include a microcomputer lab with the latest Macintosh and IBM compatible equipment, audiovisual recording and playback equipment in the Listening/Viewing Area, foreign language drill and practice rooms for individual or small group use, and conference rooms for group study. To meet extended research needs, books and journal articles not owned by Cuyamaca or Grossmont may be obtained through various computer-based information retrieval systems with access to a nationwide network of libraries.

The basic collection in the library includes 22,000 books and 300 periodical subscriptions. A variety of audiovisual materials is available for playback use in the Listening/Viewing Area. A computerized catalog lists all resources for both Cuyamaca and Grossmont Colleges, and combined with direct borrowing privileges at either library and relatively simple interlibrary loan procedures, Cuyamaca students have ready access to well over 125,000 items in the two libraries.

The librarian at the reference desk upstairs is there to answer questions about the collections and help students find information on nearly any research topic. Group orientations for classes are available upon request. Usually scheduled a day or two in advance by an instructor, these orientations can be general in nature, or designed to meet some specific course objective.

All required textbooks and school supplies are available for purchase at the Bookstore currently located in the Student Center. Books can also be purchased online at Cuyamaca Bookstore. Profits from the Bookstore help support the Campus Activities program.

Full refunds are available during the first week of class. During the second week of class, textbooks will be accepted for refund minus a five-percent restocking charge. Textbooks purchased for a class deemed a short term class of eight weeks or less may be refunded in full during the first week of class only. Textbooks with any marks or disfigurements will be considered used books and refunded at the current used book selling price. After the second week of class, a forty-eight hour refund policy will be in effect. To obtain a refund for a textbook a student must present, along with the text, a cash register receipt, a current Cuyamaca College student identification card and official evidence that he/she has dropped the course for which the textbook was purchased. NO REFUNDS WILL BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT A CASH RECEIPT. Any class of two weeks duration or less will be handled on an individual basis.

Used books may be sold back at the end of each semester. Prices quoted will be determined by need, condition of the textbook and the current market value of the book. Used books will not be accepted for buyback unless a student presents a current Cuyamaca College student identification card or one for the semester immediately preceding.

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A wide range of activities is encouraged at Cuyamaca College. Students will find that college experiences can be enhanced by active participation in activities which relate to vocational objectives, satisfy social needs, require physical activity, or provide an opportunity for involvement in the democratic process.

As student interest is indicated, organized programs will be developed in intramurals, student publications, cultural and recreational activities. Students interested in campus government can participate in student government, International Student Organization (ISO), practicing leadership skills and dealing with issues of importance to students' well-being.

Official student representatives share responsibility with college staff in formulating policies by participating on committees.

The East County Performing Arts Center in El Cajon offers a variety of cultural performances that may be of interest to the students and staff of Cuyamaca.

The Activities Program is financed by the Campus Activities fee and by Bookstore and vending service profits.

The Cuyamaca College Career/Placement Center staff will assist students in exploring future career goals relating to their individual interests, values, skills and personality characteristics to specific vocational choices. Information on careers is on file in the Career Center to assist students in career exploration. Students have an opportunity to learn to conduct a job search, prepare a resume, complete an application and learn how to interview for a job.

Career workshops for students are presented on campus in which employer representatives from local businesses and industry relate current job information and career search suggestions for future prospective employees.

The Transfer Center at Cuyamaca College is a resource center that provides students with the most current information to ensure a smooth transition to four-year universities and colleges. Students have access to a current catalog collection of California public universities, articulation agreements, CSU and UC admissions applications, college handbooks and a video collection of four-year universities and private colleges. In addition, the Transfer Center has a computer lab which allows students to access the Internet and university web pages, and utilize online application pages.

The Counseling Staff provides individual academic planning and advising, workshops on choosing a major, transfer programs, information on the TAG (Transfer Admission Guarantee) program to UCSD and admission to SDSU. Local representatives from four-year institutions are also available for appointments to evaluate student records and facilitate the transfer process.

University Transfer Center Location: Student Services One-Stop A-221

Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday - Closed

Cuyamaca College offers athletics for Men's Soccer and also Men's and Women's Cross-country. Plans for expansion include: Golf, Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball, Wrestling, Women's Soccer, Gymnastics, Baseball, and Softball. In addition, students enrolled at Cuyamaca College are eligible to compete in intercollegiate athletics at Grossmont College.

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Last Updated: 08/29/2014
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District