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Web Standards

Welcome to the Home of Cuyamaca's Web Standards

The District Web Standards were developed by an ad hoc committee commissioned by the Chancellor. The District Web Standards Committee is made up of faculty and staff representatives from Grossmont, Cuyamaca, and District Information Systems. The Standards, developed in 2002 and implemented in 2003, encompass the design, use, and navigation of institutional pages (Student Services, Admissions and Records, Instructional and Non-instructional departments). In addition, in compliance with the State Chancellor's office, Section 508 (ADA Compliance) requirements have been incorporated within the Standards. Web Procedures (IS10) and guidelines have been developed to cover the wide range of web use. For usage of the Cuyamaca College Logo on your web pages, please download the web section, Web Logo Usage, of the complete Cuyamaca College Logo Usage Manual. For those wishing to develop web pages, please familiarize yourself with the links provided in the navigation bar to the left and/or contact the college Web Development Offices at (619) 660-4466.or (619) 660-4013

Last Updated: 08/29/2014
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District