Career Services

Occupational Research

Begin with your Self Assessment information and then explore the Career Pathways open to your personality by using the suggested resources below.

A) Introduction to Career Pathways

Take the quiz and explore the site to become familiar with general groups of career paths.

Research the career pathways your personality profiles suggest. Come in to the Career Center Library and browse through up-to-date information to help determine your career focus.

The Library contains over 200 printed resources about job outlook, wages, work environment and job satisfaction. There are also people here to help you.

Room A-200, next to the Counseling office.

Open Monday - Thursday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Research Career Clusters.
We have clusters grouped at the national, state and regional levels.

B) Research your career pathways online

For suggestions about some sites we recommend, see the Cuyamaca Career Services resource links page. The Career Center also has a library of books and trade magazines for you to look through in person.

C) Review what classes are available

Do research about what is being offered during the semester in the classroom and through online courses here at the college.

Review the catalog class descriptions PDF for ideas.

Talk to people who are taking classes in the areas of concentration that you are considering.

Consider taking some classes just to explore the possibilities through Continuing Education.

D) Research which Universities offer your career choices

More research links are available on the Resources page.

When you've completed your self assessments and researched various majors and career pathways, it's time to review your resume' and interview skills.



These are free services available to students, alumni and the general public.

Last Updated: 08/30/2018


Career Center

  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District