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Emergency Grants

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Instructions

As a result of the Federal CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act, there are additional funds coming to Cuyamaca College, which will allow us to award additional emergency grants to students.

However, there are some unique requirements that the federal government has for institutions to award federal CARES Emergency Grant funds to students:

  • The U.S. Department of Education has determined that students must be eligible, or potentially eligible, for Title IV Financial Aid to be considered for CARES Act Emergency Grants. This means that students must have filed, and be eligible to file, a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • Students can only be awarded based on increased education-related costs -- not based upon financial need, creating an additional step for students who have already completed the Cuyamaca Emeregency Assistance Fund application. If you have already submitted an Emergency Assistance Fund Application, please complete the additional survey information required for federal CARES Act Emergency Grants here.

Form steps to complete:
  1. Step 1: Enter your First name as it appears on your FAFSA.
  2. Step 2: Enter your Last name as it appears on your FAFSA.
  3. Step 3: Enter your Cuyamaca College Student ID number.
  4. Step 4: Complete the self-certification and check the appropriate boxes that pertain to your additional expenses due to COVID-19.
  5. Step 5: Submit your application.


Emergency Assistance Fund Application Step-by-Step Instructions:

To access the Emergency Assistance Fund application please complete and submit the online form. Application steps include:

  1. Complete the first section with your General Information
  2. Complete the Identify Your Needs section. You may select as many of the options that pertain to you.
  3. Complete the Statement of Need section. Please answer the questions as detailed as possible.
  4. Electronically sign your application.
  5. Submit your application.

You will be notified via email if you were approved, if additional information is needed or if your application is denied. Due to the overwhelming amount of applicants, we expect that wait times are longer than usual; we appreciate your patience.

All funds will be disbursed through BankMobile. For additional information on how to sign-up for BankMobile disbursements (if you have not already done so), please visit the GCCCD BankMobile website.

Last Updated: 06/08/2020


Kaylin Rosal
Cuyamaca Cares Coordinator
Phone: (619) 660-4025

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