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Tom Doyle
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Getting Started

How are your online courses different from traditional on-campus lecture courses?

Each course maintains the quality and comprehensiveness of a traditional class, but simply uses different methods to do this. Nothing is "live." Instead material and testing can be accessed anytime - 24/7. The courses have been designed to give a media-rich, interactive experience. Lecture is replaced online interactive exercises, videos, discussion posting, and quizzing. The textbook/MindTap content remain the main sources of class content (see individual courses for specific materials). Online courses demand independent learning and self-discipline. Good writing skills are helpful.

Do all online classes have the same format?

No. Just as with lecture classes, each online class is unique to the instructor and subject area. This class has many online tools and a good variety of assignments for studying psychology whatever your learning style. This course will use Canvas for course management.

How much time does it take?

Plan to devote much more time to it than you do a lecture class. A lecture class meets 3 hours per week with at least an additional 3 - 6 hours of homework per week. Plan on spending at least that amount of time on this class. There is certainly more flexibility, as the course is open 24/7, but there are firm weekly deadlines for assignments (although there is a two-week window to complete any assignment and there are extra-credit options to make up any missed work).

What is the Orientation?

When you first enter your Canvas classroom you will required to complete an online orientation quiz based on the syllabus and other materials available within the course online. This orientation is to assure that you understand the integrated approach of Canvas with MindTap, the course requirements, and scheduling in the course. Instructions for the quiz will be available in Canvas when you first enter.

When does it start?

The course will be available on the first day of classes (see the Cuyamaca class schedule for semester start dates). Some assignments will be due about a week after that. [Realize, of course, that you must first register with the college and add the course before you can enter.]

For those new to online learning, see: Online Learning. It includes tutorials for Canvas.

Last Updated: 08/21/2018
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District