Professional Development

Frequently Asked Questions

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Can full-time contract instructors complete Professional Development hours any time during the semester? What about extra pay faculty and part-time instructors?

Yes. Full-time contract instructors can complete the 20 required hours any time between July 1 and the 12th week of spring semester as long as they are not in direct conflict with an instructor's teaching schedule or office hours.

Extra-pay and part-time instructors should complete required hours during Professional Development Week or submit an External Training in the Vision Resource Center by the posted deadlines.

Pre-approved External Training can be arranged when necessary. Contact the Professional Development Coordinator for details.

What if a part-time instructor is hired after the first two weeks?

Part-time instructors hired after the first two weeks do not need to complete professional Development hours since they were not paid for Professional Development week.  If a class is assigned after the first class meeting, no flex is required.

Is it possible to "bank" Professional Development due to illness?

No. Full-time faculty have nearly two semesters to complete their required hours: July 1 though the 12th week of spring semester. 

What if I am unable to complete Professional Development due to illness?

The same policy applies as during the regular semester regarding absences.  Call the Office of Instruction to report the absence, just as you would on a regular teaching day.  Be sure to state how many Professional Development hours you are claiming for that day and contact the Professional Development office to let them know the hours.

(One sick day = a maximum of eight hours).

How many hours equal one Individual Activity day (or how many hours can be accumulated in one day)?

In most cases, there is a maximum of eight hours per day. The activity must be submitted as an External Training in the Vision Resource Center.

Documentation of participation, such as receipts, registration, brief summary of what was done/learned, etc., should accompany External Training form and uploaded with your submission.

Can there be mandatory attendance activities?

Currently there are no mandatory Professional Development events.

The State guidelines do not prohibit mandated activities but require specific guidelines and documentation of such events.

What if I complete fewer than the required Professional Development hours?

Your salary will be adjusted accordingly.

Are there specific hours and times designated for Professional Development activities?

Full-time instructors may complete Professional Development activities throughout the year (July 1 through the 12th week of the spring semester).

Part-time instructors must either complete their required hours during Professional Development Week or submit an External Training activity by the deadline. (If there are extenuating circumstances, please contact the Office of the Professional Development Administrator.) 

Remember: Professional Development activities (External Training) completed outside of the designated Professional Development Week must be completed by the deadline.

Can I attend Professional Development activities held at Grossmont College?

Yes. Make sure you register for the session in the Vision Resource Center.  If it is not available to you in the VRC, then use the External Training form to add the session to your VRC transcript. 

Can I attend Professional Development activities at other colleges?

Yes. Make sure you register for the session in the Vision Resource Center.  If it is not available to you in the VRC, then use the External Training form to add the session to your VRC transcript. 

What about classes I'm taking for salary advancement?

Courses taken for step or salary advancement do not qualify for Professional Development credit.  However, Professional Development credit can be given if you do not use the course for step or salary advancement.  Use the External Training form within the Vision Resource Center to add this to your transcript.  A maximum of 20 hours are given for all courses. 

What if I am unable to complete some segment of my pre-approved Individual Professional Development Activity Agreement?

If you are unable to complete a component of the approved agreement, contact the Office of the Professional Development Administrator as soon as possible.

How does sabbatical leave affect my Professional Development requirements?

You are not required to complete Professional Development for the time you are on sabbatical.

You are still a member of the faculty while on sabbatical and you may attend Professional Development activities; however, in order to qualify for Professional Development credit, the activity cannot be part of your sabbatical project.

How can I find out if a workshop has been canceled?

Visit the Calendar of Events inside the Vision Resource Center. Register for any and all workshops you wish to attend.  Note that sometimes workshops are canceled at the last minute, so please check the online schedule before you attend a workshop.

Can I get Professional Development hours for an Exercise Science class?

Yes. Faculty may use up to 5 hours per semester for physical fitness or well being by taking an Exercise Science class at Cuyamaca College. You'll need a note from the instructor to document your attendance dates.

See the External Training page for details on how to post these activities to your transcript within the Vision Resource Center. 

Can I get Professional Development credit for Office Hours?

No. You can, however, get flex credit of up to 5 hours per semester for Student Mentoring and Advising during Professional Development Week. To get the credit, fill out the External Training form in the Vision Resource Center 1 week before Professional Development Week.

Last Updated: 07/22/2020
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District