Professional Development
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Faculty PD Obligation

Your Professional Development Obligation is calculated by semester in the Vision Resource Center. The calculation takes into account full time faculty release time and extra pay assignments along with the contractual 20 hours per year.  The part time calculation is by instructional hour and is described in the box below.  Both follow the faculty contract.  

Log onto the Vision Resource Center and view the welcome page text box:

"My Professional Development Obligation."

Faculty are required to complete professional development hours by attending face-to-face or online activities within the Vision Resource Center, or completing self-designed External Training. These are paid hours, and must be submitted on time in the VRC to receive the pay.

Adjunct Faculty & Extra Pay Full Time Faculty
Hours Required usually 1 hour for each assigned instructional hour (1 lecture unit = 1hour, 1 lab unit = 3 hours). 20 hours per year plus extra pay
Time Frame

Fall: July 1 to the 12th week of class
Spring: week 13 of fall to week 12 of spring semester, or roll over extra hour from fall

Disclaimer: If a part-time faculty member chooses to engage in professional development activities earlier than flex week, and if her/his teaching load is subsequently reduced, she/he is not entitled to be compensated for the extra hours.

July 1 through week 12 of spring semester.

Scheduled Activities

  1. Choose activities during Professional Development Week from the calendar in the Vision Resource Center (VRC).
  2. Register and attend workshops posted in the Vision Resource Center.
  3. Once your attendance is verified by the workshop presenter within the VRC, you will received PD credit for that activity.

Self-Desgined External Training (not in the VRC)

  1. Review guidelines for self-designed External Training and pre-approved activities. If your activity clearly fits within the framework of the pre-approved External Training activities, go to step #2.
  2. Fill out the External Training form in the VRC. When you finish your activity, return to your personal VRC transcript to mark it "complete."
  3. Faculty seeking pre-approval for a self-designed external training may contact the faculty Professional Development Coordinator by email to discuss how your activity fulfills Title 5 requirements.  


Last Updated: 06/09/2020
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District