Professional Development
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Funding for Events & Travel

2020-2021 Funding for Professional Development may be limited, or not available. check with the professional development coordinator for details.

Steps to Apply for Professional Development Funds

  1. Complete an Off Campus Activity Request (OCA) form. 
  2. Complete the Travel Memo
  3. Use the Off Campus Activity Check List (OCA Travel Memo Checklist)
  4. If you do not need to complete the Travel Memo, (your request only includes mileage, parking and meals), please include the following:
    1. A print out from Google Maps for mileage (See Workday for current mileage reimbursement rate).
    2. A print out from the conference website or other relevant site for estimated parking
    3. A print out of meals included in the registration fee
    4. See District Travel Policies for reimbursement rates, (i.e. meals, allowable expenses). 
  5. Submit to Division Dean for approval and signature.
  6. Submit to Dean of Learning & Technology Resources, Kerry Kilber Rebman for review by the Professional Development Committee designees for consideration.
  7. If fully or partially approved, a budget number will be assigned.
  8. Paperwork will then be routed to Business Services.
  9. The Professional Development Coordinator will notify you of the status of your request via email with a copy to Division Dean and Administrative Assistant.

Equity Funds

The Cuyamaca College Student Equity Plan will fund professional development activities that promote matriculation, student success, retention, persistence and completion on campus. All professional development equity request must support the college's identified equity and student success priorities of accelerated basic skills, clear student pathways, and student engagement/validation.

General Funds

When evaluating travel requests, the Professional Development Committee Co-Chairs will be considering the following criteria:

  • How directly the travel supports the Cuyamaca College Strategic Plan.
  • The reasonableness of the cost of activity and available budget.
  • The ability of the requestor to disseminate gained knowledge with the college community.

Please note that due to availability of funding, we may need to limit the number of attendees for conferences.  


Last Updated: 06/24/2020
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District