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Eligibility for Online Courses Only

Federal and State regulations prohibit Cuyamaca College from offering distance education to students residing in another state without prior approval from that state. As a result, students who are enrolled entirely in on-line courses at Cuyamaca College must live in California during that semester to be eligible for federal aid for the term.

What you need to do:

Students must verify their place of residence with the Financial Aid Office. This can be done by submitting a copy of a recent:

  • Utility bill (water, cable, gas & electric)
  • Rental agreement or mortgage statement in your name with your current address 

If you are unable to provide us a copy of any of those documents, you can provide your bank statement or verification of account from your bank or credit union, cell phone bill, credit card bill or insurance statement that shows your name and current address on it along with a statement explaining why you do not have any utility bills or a lease agreement/mortgage statement under your name.


  • Documents submitted should be dated or show service within the months of the semester that you are enrolled entirely in on-line courses for.
    • Fall semester: August - December
    • Spring semester: January - June
    • Summer: May - June
  • For the months at the beginning of the semester (August, January, May), if your bank statement comes at the end of the month and you want to submit proof earlier in the month, you can get a verification of account from your bank or credit union during the respective month. Please make sure your name and address are on the verification of account.
  • Please make sure your full name and Student ID# are clearly written or typed on every document you submit.
  • If you have a Pell grant, SEOG Grant, or Direct Loan and you have not verified with us that you reside in California, your disbursement will be on hold and your disbursement date will change pending the submittal and approval of your  documentation.

You must submit your documentation in person at the Financial Aid Office and remember to bring photo identification (ex: College ID card or a current government issued ID card). If you are not able to provide any of the above documentation, you will need to contact your Financial Aid Advisor.

NOTE: DO NOT email your documentation to us. We are not allowed to accept your information via email.

REMINDER: You must provide updated documentation each semester you are enrolled in on-line courses only.

Students who are enrolled in on-line courses only and who are residing in another state will not be eligible for Federal Financial Aid from Cuyamaca College.

Identity theft and financial aid fraud are growing concerns nationwide. By confirming your place of residency and identity, you are helping us help you protect your identity and ensuring that you will be receiving the financial aid you are eligible for.

*Cuyamaca College Financial Aid Office does not guarantee the accuracy of translated text through Google Translate. If the information you are translating is not clear, please return to the home page of Cuyamaca College Financial Aid & Scholarships, click "Contact Us," and call for assistance, or email your question to the appropriate Advisor. Cuyamaca College Financial Aid Office disclaims and will not accept any liability for any problems caused by the use of the Google Translate feature.

Last Updated: 07/14/2020
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District